Saturday, February 9, 2013

I-Exist-Humanity Volume I-IV

                                       A band can rarely piece together a successful career with two releases, let alone more than that.  What we have here, is a midwest band that will redefine success.  Their latest effort, HUMANITY VOL. IV, is brilliant, with the blazing track, "Before It's Over".  You never want the musical genius to stop pouring into your head with this band.  The track, "Unity", my favorite from VOLUME IV, shows a bit of how diverse this band can be, and if you have been a fan since VOLUME I, you would definitely understand the perception here.  "Amnesia", the final track I'll talk about from the latest, VOLUME IV, is a wonderful introduction to this ep.  However, getting amnesia would pretty much suck, because you would forget about great music, and great artists like I-Exist.  Oh yeah, There's HUMANITY VOL. III, and again, it's brilliant.  I'll admit, I've found myself fighting not to be biased because if I like it, then I think you, the reader will.  That's never the case.  I write these reviews from the point of view that pure, honest, and brilliant music deserves to be heard, nationally, locally, or independently.  I do what I can, and appreciate all the positive feedback.  The reason for that remark, has a lot to do with VOLUME III's review section, because the track "When Dreams Fall Apart", shines so bright in a dark, grim world, that if ever a song deserved to be given away for free, that'd be the one.  This song was on repeat, over and over this afternoon.  I was caught between I-Exist, another artist, and the Blizzard of 2013 coverage....LoL.  Another star on VOLUME III, you'll discover, is "Dark Of The Night".  The vocals in this track are excellent, and the composure of the song is so well done.  This fits VOLUME III very well.  Now, as for HUMANITY VOL. II, one must grab the track "Narrowing".  This is one of the top, most beautifully haunting songs I have heard before.  It fits the structure of the set of EP's and is a bit chilling.  I love this, amazing!  The rocker, "A Secret Calling", is catchy and hooks you pretty well.  I played this on Spotify a few times, and admit, I favored it somewhat at  Grab it up, you will as well.  My friends, we have hit the last part of the review, and that is the beginning.  HUMANITY VOL. I, the start of the epic adventure you're sure to endure, enjoy, and love.  "Capture" is a song that sets the tone for the entire set, telling us that "...I want to capture you forever....don't let me go......".  The track is lyrically one of I-Exist's best overall, out of all the tracks, and I believe is my favorite overall.  I have another song I find intriguing, and believe you will to from HUMANITY VOLUME I, and that is "Our Demise".  This is not as heavy all the way through, or a straight rocker, so to say.  However, this track has balance, lyrical power, and fits very well with the EP's conceptual arrangement.  I believe you will find every track, long or short, heavy, haunting, or rocking; you will find it to be something you didn't know was capable of existing.  Best thing is, that it does!

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